First Collar Training - Posture

Pup, there are three important basic positions you need to be able to spring to at any given moment. These stances each have a simple name, which I will speak whilst pointing my figure or patting the surface I want you to move to and be there in the requested posture. At this early stage you need only do these stances on request. It is not required of you to be constantly doing any of these stances of your own accord just yet. Remember a cardinal rule of pup play - don't stress! There is also instruction on being careful and safe in posture in the post Avoiding Common Injuries in Pup Play to give you guidance in looking after yourself



This position is to show you are alert and attending to your owner, ready to be instructed. Kneel comfortably as shown, with your upper body calmly erect and your hands at your upper thighs, fingers curled inward but not in a fist. Look forward at your owners face. You may drool to show enthusiasm if you like pup, but don't wag your tail in the Present position, it will change your stance. 

Practice the Present posture at home on your bed. Do it for a minute at a time, take in how your shoulders feel and how you spread your legs to support yourself. Over time develop a quick and natural response so you can assume this position quickly. Do not assume this stance with anyone but your owner trainer.



This position is a simple transition from the Present position, and it shows you are ready to receive whatever is coming from your owner. Whether that be a shower of piss marking you, a treat to eat, a scratch behind the ears, or a set of instructions. Kneeling shows you are a ready for action pup. From Present, ease your hands forward, forming fists. Don't clench the fists tightly, keep them relaxed, and rest on your knuckles with your fingers pointing back to your body. Lock your elbows so your arms are straight but not tense and ease your back into a comfortable angle. Keep your head straight ahead, not looking up because that is gonna strain it eventually.

You can wag your tail, but focus so you don't shift position of your knees which should be wide apart but comfortable and supporting you.  Practice Kneel after doing a Present practice, or when playing with your dog. Do not assume this stance with anyone but your owner trainer at this stage of your training.


All Fours

It may look like a Kneel, but pay attention to the back - you are now resting your weight on all four limbs equally. This position is simple transition from Kneel. You stretch forward till you have all your weight equally distributed. Once you are comfortable, angle your rear up slightly and curve your back slightly, pushing your tummy down at rest so its a slight curve from tail to head. That will show your owner trainer you are in position. Don't hurry it pup, ensure you are comfortable and not straining. There should be no tension anywhere. so keep your head at a comfortable angle for you. You don't tilt it up to look at your owner, nor drop it own low in submission. Just be at rest so your neck is not strained.

All Fours means you are going to dog mode, leaving your human self behind to enter pup space fully. Practice this at home for a few minutes, and do some of your FCT Mind exercises in this position. Welcome to being a pup . As with the other postures, do not assume them with anyone but your owner trainer. It is important that you develop these positions as prelude to pupspace in your head, and not for other activities.